Welcome on

Sermon-Online   the sermon database
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1) Who are you and what is the purpose of this site?
We are Christians, who are working honorarily. Sermon-Online is a christian online library, which is free to use for everyone.

2) Can I really download all files from Sermon-Online, burn them on CD/DVD and give them to my friends?
If there is no other hint, you can download and burn/copy all files and give them to everybody you want to.

3) I don't have a fast internet connection, can you send me a CD/DVD?
If your family and your friends can't help you: please send your request with your postal address to: order@sermon-online.com.
Please specify, whether you like to get a CD or DVD.

4) How can I load my iPod with MP3-Files from Sermon-Online?
Please download the MP3-Files to your computer and then use iTunes to copy the MP3-Files to your iPod.

5) Is there an easy way to download all files of an author?
Yes! Please use a FTP-Client (like Cyberduck). Anonymous FTP-access (user: anonymous, password: ftp) is available on the following servers:
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