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Sermon-Online   the sermon database
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How can I download a file?
Click with the right mouse-button (mac-user: CTRL-key + click) for example on "mp3 (32 kbit/sec)" (right beside "Available versions:") and choose "Save as".

Where can I get a MP3-Player?
Please click here to download a free MP3-Player: Winamp

Why did my audio-file was interrupted during listening?
Sometimes the server is overloaded. To avoid interruption during listening, it's recommended to download the file first to the local harddisc and the start the play back from there.

What can I do, if the download interrupts?
Please retry the download.
Adapt your Internet Explorer settings:
  • Tools
  • Internet Options
  • General
  • Settings
  • Every visit to this page
  • Ok

If the problem is not solved by this, go to: Choose the directory (language/author) and start the download.

Is FTP-access available?
Yes, anonymous FTP-access (user: anonymous, password: ftp) is available (you need a FTP-Client on your local machine, for example Cyberduck). These are the server names: I don't have a fast internet connection, can you send me a CD/DVD?
Please send your request with your address to: order@sermon-online.com.
Please specify, whether you like to get a CD or DVD.
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