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Title: The Book of Acts: The Story of Us - Part 05/29 - The Unified Church
Author: David PackerClick here to get further informations
Location: IBC Stuttgart, International Baptist Church, Untere Waldplätze 38, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen - Sunday Morning Service (2nd Service)
Passage: Acts 6, 1-7
Language: english
Category: Service
Date/Time: 28.09.2019
Duration: 35:21
Pages: 16
ID: 31705
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Keywords: In going through the book of Acts, we truly find "The Story of Us" – the story of the church. Last week we examined chapter 5 and "The Purified Church." God calls his people to be pure, and whenever we fail we should be quick to confess our sins and receive his cleansing. Today we are examining "The United Church" and we will see how believers worked through their problems to find solutions that honored God and that brought unity.

In each of these early chapters of Acts we see a description of how the Holy Spirit transformed and led the new church to adjust to his will. Each time they faced a challenge they had to make adjustments to follow the will of God. Each time they adjusted, God blessed their fellowship and their witness. We also, whenever we face a challenge, must constantly adjust our lives to the will of God.

In Acts 2, when they received and shared his love, the church grew. In Acts 3-4, when they were compassionate and bold in their witness, they grew more. In Acts 5, when God purified the church, the church grew even more. In Acts 6, the passage we are studying today, when they were united, the church also grew. The health and growth of every church, including ours, depends on the people being transformed into the image of Christ, and adjusting ourselves to follow the will of God in the face of each challenge.

- Pastor David Packer
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