2. Timothy 3, 15 and Romans 3, 19 and Exodus 40, 10 and Exodus 19, 22-23 and Exodus 13, 2 and Exodus 19, 10 and Isaiah 66, 17 and John 17, 19 and John 10, 36 and 1. Corinthians 7, 14 and 1. Corinthians 1, 1-2 and 1. Corinthians 3, 1-3 and Hebrews 12, 14 and Philippians 3, 13-16 and 1. Peter 3, 15 and 1. Peter 1, 1 - 1. Peter 2, 15-16 and Hebrews 10, 14 and 1. Corinthians 6, 9-10 and 2. Thessalonians 2, 13 and Romans 15, 16 and Ephesians 2, 1-5 and Ephesians 5, 25-26 and 2. Corinthians 4, 6 and 2. Thessalonians 2, 13 and 1. Thessalonians 5, 23-24 and Ecclesiastes 3, 14
Table of Contents Holiness: The False and the True 1 Preface 3 Part One: Autobiographical 5 My Conversion to God 5 Holiness: the Great Desideratum 10 Sunshine and Clouds 15 The Struggle Ended 22 Observations on the Holiness Movement 29 Part Two: Doctrinal Sanctification 34 Its Meaning 34 Sanctification by the Holy Spirit: Internal 42 Sanctification by the Blood of Christ: Eternal 49 Sanctification by the Word of God: External Results 56 Relative Sanctification 66 Dead to Sin, and Perfect Love 71 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and of Fire 76 Perfection, As Used in Scripture 86 Cleansing From All Sin, and the Pure in Heart 94 The Believer's Two Natures 103 Concluding Remarks on "the Higher Christian Life" 112
Preface For over twelve years I have considered the advisability of penning these chapters. There seemed some good reasons why it might not be wise; there seem to me now to be more why I should undertake it. The two chief reasons that have come before me to hinder my writing them heretofore are these: (1) The detailing of a large measure of personal experience is necessarily involved. This is distasteful to many, and to none more than to myself. But I have been much impressed lately with the many instances in which the chief of the apostles uses his own experience as a warning and lesson to others who would put confidence in the flesh. For this cause alone I am at last persuaded to narrate my own endeavors to attain perfection by following the so-called "holiness teaching." There can surely be no charge brought against me of glorying in self in so doing. The record is too humiliating for that. Nor do I desire to take a morbid satisfaction in detailing my failures. But for this recital of my past errors and present blessedness I have not only apostolic example, but the entire book of Ecclesiastes is a similar record; written only that others might be spared the anguish and disappointment of treading the same weary path. (2) It is difficult to write an account like this without apparent criticism of the organization to which I once belonged, both as to its methods and its doctrines. This I shrink from. I have the fullest sympathy with the great work being done among the "submerged" in the larger cities of the world by these self-denying workers, and I would not say or write a word to hinder any who thus seek to save the outcast and wayward. I only regret that the converts are not given a clearer gospel, and more scriptural instruction afterwards. Many of my old "comrades" are still toiling as I once toiled in what they believe is a God-raised-up and God-directed "Army"; whose teaching they consider to be fully in accord with Scripture; and I know this record must give some of them pain. I would spare them this if I could. But when I reflect that thousands are yearly being disheartened and discouraged by their teaching; that hundreds yearly are ensnared into infidelity through the collapse of the vain effort to attain the unattainable; that scores have actually lost their minds and are now inmates of asylums because of the mental grief and anguish resultant upon their bitter disappointment in the search for holiness; I feel I should not allow sentimental reasons to hinder my relating the unvarnished truth, in the hope that under the blessing of God it may lead many to find in Christ Himself that sanctification which they can never find elsewhere, and in His Cross that exhibition of perfect love which they will look for in vain in their own hearts and lives. Therefore I send forth these chapters, praying that both the experimental and doctrinal parts may be helpful to many and hindrances to none; and in commending all to the reader's spiritual intelligence, I would earnestly beseech him to "prove all things, and hold fast that which is good."
Part One: Autobiographical My Conversion to God It is my desire, in dependence on the Lord, to write a faithful record, so far as memory now serves me, of some of God's dealings with my soul and my strivings after the experience of holiness, during the first six years of my Christian life, before I knew the blessedness of finding all in Christ. This will make it necessary at times, I have little doubt, to "speak as a fool" - even as the Apostle Paul did: but as I reflect on the need for such a record, I think I can say with him, "Ye have compelled me." If I may be privileged to thereby save others from the unhappy experiences I passed through in those early years, I shall feel abundantly repaid for the effort it will take to thus put these heart-experiences before my readers. From a very early age God began to speak to me through His Word. I doubt if I could go back to the first time when, to my recollection, I felt something of the reality of eternal things. My father was taken from me before his features were impressed upon my infant mind. But I never have heard him spoken of other than as a man of God. He was known in Toronto (my birthplace) to many as "The Eternity Man." His Bible, marked in many places, was a precious legacy to me; and from it I learned to recite my first verse of Scripture, at the age of four. I distinctly recall learning the blessed words of Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." That I was lost, and that Christ Jesus came from heaven to save me, were the first divine truths impressed on my young heart. My widowed mother was, it seems to me, one of a thousand. I remember yet how I would be thrilled as she knelt with me as a child, and prayed, "O Father, keep my boy from ever desiring anything greater than to live for Thee. Save him early, and make him a devoted street-preacher, as his father was. Make him willing to suffer for Jesus' sake, to gladly endure persecution and rejection by the world that cast out Thy Son; and keep him from what would dishonor Thee." The words were not always the same, but I have heard the sentiment times without number. To our home there often came servants of Christ - plain, godly men, who seemed to me to carry with them the atmosphere of eternity. Yet in a very real sense they were the bane of my boyhood. Their searching, "Henry, lad, are you born again yet?" or the equally impressive, "Are you certain that your soul is saved?" often brought me to a standstill; but I knew not how to reply. California had become my home before I was clear as to being a child of God. In Los Angeles I first began to learn the love of the world, and was impatient of restraint. Yet I had almost continual concern as to the great matter of my salvation. I was but twelve years old when I began a Sunday-school and set up to try to help the boys and girls of the neighborhood to a knowledge of the Book I had read ten times through, but which had still left me without assurance of salvation. To Timothy, Paul wrote, "From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. 3:15). It was this latter that I lacked. I had, it seemed to me, always believed, yet I dared not say I was saved. I know now that I had always believed about Jesus. I had not really believed in Him as my personal Saviour. Between the two there is all the difference that there is between being saved and lost, between an eternity in heaven and endless ages in the lake of fire. As I have said, I was not without considerable anxiety as to my soul; and though I longed to break into the world, and was indeed guilty of much that was vile and wicked, I ever felt a restraining hand upon me, keeping me from many things...